Radio Rheumatology

Radio Rheumatology

Rosealeen Killick & Jeannette Cameron

Information and advice about Rheumatology conditions. Interviews with consultants, patients and so much more. Please subscribe via your podcast player of choice, also follow us on Twitter for all the latest information and updates on new podcasts.

Categorias: Saúde

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Frimley Park Rheumatology nurses Rosealeen and Jeannette talk about Osteoporosis and fragility fractures.

It is aimed at people with a diagnosis of Osteoporosis or those with a high fracture risk as well as their loved ones.

It may also be useful to people looking to optimise their skeletal health.

Episódios anteriores

  • 6 - Overview of Osteoporosis-: a guide for patients 
    Fri, 12 Nov 2021 - 0h
  • 5 - Overview of Psoriatic Arthritis 
    Fri, 20 Nov 2020 - 0h
  • 4 - Steroids in Rheumatology - Advice for Patients 
    Sat, 27 Jun 2020 - 0h
  • 3 - Methotrexate Overview 
    Fri, 17 Jan 2020 - 0h
  • 2 - Early Inflammatory Arthritis 
    Fri, 22 Nov 2019 - 0h
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